Who We Are                        



What is a Rotary E-Club?

Rotary e-clubs are Rotary clubs that meet electronically. A 2010 Council on Legislation enactment recognized Rotary e-clubs as part of Rotary International, following a six-year pilot project. By June 2013 there were 111 e-clubs worldwide and the number is growing every year.

Who belongs to Rotary clubs?


Rotary is a non-political and non-religious organization. Membership is by invite and based on various social factors. There are over 46,000 member clubs worldwide, with a membership of 1.4 million individuals, known as Rotarians.

Why E-Clubs?
Rotary e-clubs are fundamentally the same as any other Rotary club: club members do service projects individually or as group, support The Rotary Foundation, socialize and network.
For business, professional, and community leaders who are unable to attend a weekly meeting in person (due to physical disabilities, location constraints, or busy schedules), the E-club offers the flexibility to meet online.
Rotarians who miss their regular Rotary club meeting may make up a meeting by attending an E-club meeting online.
Who is Rotary E-Club of the Carolinas?

Our E-Club is in District 7750 in South Carolina, USA, and we are a service-driven club that is focused on our members.  
We welcome membership applications from anywhere in the World. 

Our current members are from Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, Florida, plus Costa Rica, Italy, Romania.


                                              E-Club of the Carolinas Pledge

As an E-Club of the Carolinas member, I pledge to fulfill my responsibilities by:

Pay dues invoice  on or before July 31 or within 30 days of receipt of invoice

Make annual contributions to Rotary International Foundation and Polio Plus programs as I am able

Meet Rotary standards of attendance (50%) with at least 25% with the Rotarian’s home club by attending weekly Fellowship, 
complete on-line E-Club meetings, or record make-up activities on-line.

Volunteer for an E-Club committee assignment and contribute accordingly

Share my service activities through correspondence with E-Club members, meeting postings and contributions to the E-Club website

Seek Rotary fellowship by attending weekly E-club Fellowship events, local Rotary club meetings, video conferencing with Rotarians, 
contacting my sponsor and other E-club members, or contributing to District 7750 committees, activities or events

Follow the 4-way test to fulfill my desire to be a “service above self” Rotarian.



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